Here are some questions that we're frequently asked.
We call on the Holy Spirit and pray diligently over your prayer request we penetrate the supernatural realm of the spirit world with force and power, often we speak in tongues, always allowing the spirit to respond and have its way in our prayer chamber. Sometimes, an angel will appear and gives us direct instructions on how to help you get your prayers answered, then we send you an e-mail message, telling you what we have learned and what you need to do to get your prayer answered.
The best Biblical example to follow is that he who sows reaps a harvest. God responds to your sacrifice. We encourage you to be generous because your giving initiates the process of receiving.
Our prayer warriors work exclusively for God. We do not receive any monetary compensation. Each week, we gather all the offerings and use them to help families or individuals in need.
Absolutely support your local church. However, if you are requesting prayer through the ministry of My Prayers Heard, God would expect you to support the service. We do not charge for prayer; however, we have observed that those who sow their seed in this ministry trigger great blessings. We have seen miracles!
My new boss was young and fresh out of college he was very difficult to work for, I was miserable. I made my prayer request and included a seed offering, I know the power of a seed, I sowed a seed into my Prayers Heard and like a train the engine started running and the train gradually started moving. In months I received a promotion and my own agency, also my relationship with my boss has greatly improved. - Eric Lindsey
Tried for two years to get a job at a company that I really wanted to work for. My Prayers Heard told me what to do and I followed the instructions. I am now working at the job of my dreams. - Donna Jordon
Needed to be blessed financially. My Prayers Heard told me how to receive a increase. Now me and my family are doing just fine. - Keith Coleman
My wife was not faithful. My Prayers Heard gave some powerful instruction. and now we are together as God intended. - David Adams
My mother had a stroke. My Prayers Heard gave instruction on how to help her. We donated a seed and within months she regained her full health. - Mary Steinberg
My son was not doing well in school. My Prayers Heard prayed for us and gave me instructions on how to help him. Now he is a honor student. - Gary Mitchell
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